Welcome to my blog - it's great to have you here!
This blog was created as a medium to share some of the thoughts and assignments for a doctorate-level futuring and innovations course. To better understand my vantage point, please allow me to introduce myself by way of this post. My husband and I are parents to a spunky three-year-old little girl and two Christmas-tree climbing cats. As far as my education goes, I have a bachelor's degree in mathematics, a master's degree in statistics, a second master's degree in biostatistics, and am currently about halfway through my doctorate in computer science with a concentration in big data analytics. In my professional life, I work as a biostatistician in the pharmaceutical field where I design and analyze clinical trial data. In my personal life, I enjoy hot tea, board games, crossword puzzles, party planning, Target runs, and decompressing on mindless reality television shows.
This blog will discuss cutting-edge innovations currently in use or imagined into the future. Given my background and personal details, it is likely that health-based or child-centric topics will be covered. I intend to "spill the tea" about exciting technological research and articulate the forces that both support and challenge its adoption and use. Although I will try to remain as objective as possible, the selection of discussion points and crafting of the underlying arguments are inherently infused with a flavor of subjectivity. As such, you can expect my thoughts to be filtered through the lens of a mom, statistician, and lifelong learner.
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