Austin, Devin, and Sullivan (2012) emphasized that the innovation process is peppered with unpredictability. According to Deb (2020), this unpredictability typically surfaces in the form of failures or unexpected results and, as such, many serendipitous breakthroughs are the result of open-minded pursuits. The following discussion highlights two accidental discoveries that led to surprising outcomes. After detailing each of the chance events, the supporting forces are also highlighted. Concluding remarks summarize the main discussion points and articulate the lessons learned.
The Color Mauve
According to Amin (2011), the year was 1856. William Henry
Perkin, an eighteen-year-old chemistry student enrolled at London’s Royal College
of Chemistry, was challenged by his professor to develop an artificial version
of quinine. The goal was to use it as a drug to treat malaria symptoms because
of its painkilling, fever-reducing, and anti-inflammatory properties. At the
time, the drug was being naturally produced from a singular and limited source:
The South African cinchona tree. A synthetic alternative would thus enable more
widespread manufacturing capabilities (Amin, 2011).
Nair (2014) explained that while Perkin’s experiments failed
to produce quinine, they did result in the creation of a black colored
substance. In washing the black matter from his laboratory equipment, Perkins
found that something strange occurred when it came in contact with his
alcohol-based cleaning agent. The alcohol dissolved the black solid and
transformed it into a light purple oil. Upon further investigation, he realized
that an application of the oil could permanently color silk the same hue. This
was significant because prior to this discovery, all available dyes were
naturally made from plant products, mollusks, or insects. In addition to being
the first synthetic option, this new dye was also more resistant, brighter, and
more vibrant in color (Nair, 2014). Perkins originally named the shade Tyrian
purple, but it was later changed to mauve to reflect its resemblance to the
violet-colored mallow flower which was known as mauve in French (Amin, 2011).
Within the chemistry community, the color goes by mauveine (Nelson, 2002).
Amin (2011) stressed the impact of this innovation, explaining
that it was both immediate and extensive. For example, after patenting the dye,
Perkins established his own dyeworks company and it was not long before mauve
colored fabrics became the on-trend choice within the American, Asian, and
European fashion markets. The artificial dye industry also exploded and within
fifty years of Perkin’s discovery, approximately two thousand dyes became
synthetically available. These dyes not only transformed textiles, but also
found a foothold in cosmetology, food services, and furniture design.
Furthermore, coal tar, which was part of Perkin’s original experiments, surged
in popularity as various researchers began to wonder about its other potential
applications. Some successful developments that arose from coal tar pursuits
include photographic improvements, psoriasis treatments, and road paving/repair
(Amin, 2011).
Travis (2007) also credited Perkin’s mauve discovery with
the ensuing works of Paul Ehrlich, a microbiologist and Nobel Prize winner who
was inspired by the dye production and its array of uses. Ehrlich used Perkin’s
dyes to stain bacteria so that various species could be classified and better
understood. Ehrlich also used dyeing techniques for immunological research, creating
a series of drugs aimed to target specific pathogens and his role in treating
syphilis ranks as one of his most acknowledged contributions. Finally, and
perhaps most significantly, Ehrlich’s cellular targeting laid the foundation
for chemotherapy (Travis, 2007).
Saccharin: The Artificial Sweetener
Deb (2020) attributed the 1879 discovery of Saccharin to a
case of bad hygiene, explaining that Constantine Fahlberg had a chemical spill
while working in a Johns Hopkins University lab and never got around to washing
his hands. When he later went to eat, he noticed a sweet taste on his dinner
roll and realized it was a result of the previously spilled experiment. Affan
(2019) noted that this substance, soon patented as saccharin, was the first
synthetic version of natural sugar and immediately attracted attention for its
ability to sweeten beverages. Saccharin’s popularity continued to rise when it
became available in both powder and pill forms which, timing-wise, aligned with
the sugar shortages of World War I.
According to Nair (2014), saccharin is found within many
modern food products and Sweet’N Low is one well-known example. Saccharin
options are especially popular among diabetics because they offer a sugar-free
sweetening alternative and weight conscious individuals find appeal with the
way that saccharin is not metabolized. Unfortunately, however, saccharin has
not attracted only positive connotations. Despite its widespread use, Affan
(2019) explained that from its onset, saccharin raised many health-based
concerns and has a long history with nutritional and governmental oversights.
From carcinogenic to weight-gain claims, saccharin has been the subject of numerous
controversies and research studies targeted to address these accusations. Many
of the results are mixed and different countries currently have varied
regulations put in place. About forty years ago, saccharin was banned in most
countries but, due to changing evidence, some have reversed their stance. For
example, the United States has re-approved saccharin as a substance safe for
human intake and almost 100 countries currently allow it to be used in small
doses (Affan, 2019).
Although this discussion expanded upon two accidental innovations that resulted from chemical mishaps, Nair (2014) provided a lengthy list of non-chemically related examples. Velcro, for example, was born when George De Mestral, an electrical engineer, decided to investigate why cocklebur plants attached so well to his dog’s fur. Deb (2020) also explained that some innovations surface when the original purpose of an invention shifts to something new. For example, the Slinky was originally intended for supporting naval equipment, but when it accidentally dropped and began walking across the floor, it was redirected to become a children’s toy.
The wide range of discussion points are connected by a few key themes. First, the unpredictability of the innovation process should be embraced, because, as demonstrated by the presented examples, many game changing ideas surface from the dedicated pursuits of open-minded intellectuals. Second, and as Deb (2020) very aptly described, it should always be remembered that all failures are part of the journey. Lessons can be learned from every setback, and it is important to maintain the stamina by using the undesired outcome to trudge forward in a new way. The degreasing spray WD-40 perfectly encompasses this message because it earned its name after thirty-nine unsuccessful attempts that finally led to the fortieth success (Deb, 2020). Finally, an inquisitive mind should pay attention and be kept up to date on all modern advancements. As was the case with Perkin’s dye, future work was able to build upon his already established discovery.
This discussion explored the concept of accidental innovations and highlighted two serendipitous discoveries: the color mauve and saccharin. In each example, health-based forces played a large role, although for mauve, these forces were largely supportive, while the success of saccharin was more mixed. An open and dedicated mind plays a large role in transforming chance outcomes into game changing ideas.
Affan, F. B.
(2019). The debate around the usage of Saccharin in the food industry. Journal
of Industrial Mechanics, 4(3), 17-23.
Amin, A. P. (2011).
How mauve cured Syphilis. Berkeley Scientific Journal, 14(2), 1-3.
Austin, R. D.,
Devin, L., & Sullivan, E. E. (2012). Accidental innovation: Supporting
valuable unpredictability in the creative process. Organization Science, 23(5),
Deb, T. (2020).
Failed inventions. Science Reporter, (Nov-2020), 14-19.
Nair, A. G. R.
(2014). Accidental discoveries. Vetri Education, 9 (2), 45-55.
Nelson, J. W.
(2002). Color me with good fortune. Molecular Interventions, 2(3),
Travis, A. S.
(2007). Mauve and its anniversaries. Bulletin of Historical Chemistry, 32(1),
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